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Friendship Calculator

Friendship Calculator

Our Zodiac signs are of great mean in our life, every zodiac sign has different character, and different effects on people, some zodic signs are compatible with each other and some are not, we use simple astrological calcualtions to find whether two zodiacs forms compatibility with each other or Not.

This Calculator is Simply based on the zodic sign's friendship bond, the stronger they are strong is the friendship.

How it Works

Every Zodiac signs has it's Lord Planet, and there are different compatibilities between planets, based on that we calculate friendship compatibility between two zodiac signs, as there are some planets that form good compaibility some are neutral and some are enemy.

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13 Mukhi

Rs. 3500 /-

13 Mukhi

Rs. 3500 /-

12 Mukhi

Rs. 3000 /-

11 Mukhi

Rs. 2000 /-

10 Mukhi

Rs. 2600 /-

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